Randa Havel Legal [Legal Services - Trust Funds and Clients’ Personal Affairs]
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Trust Funds and Clients’ Personal Affairs

act Řanda Havel Legal provides legal services related to administering clients’ personal affairs, including the acquisition, sale or lease of private property and other private property within or outside the family. We also prepare prenuptial agreements before entering into marriage and various arrangements throughout a  marriage. In the event of divorce, we resolve all legal aspects of housing, inheritance questions, etc. We make qualified proposals for the smooth intergenerational transfer of property, regardless of whether it involves shares in trading companies, real estate or any other property.

act Řanda Havel Legal has practical experience in the use of trust funds, introduced to Czech law as of  1st January 2014. Via a trust fund it is possible to temporarily separate property from its owner without the property having to be transferred to another entity. When combined with other institutions a trust fund can serve, amongst other things, to protect personal (family) property against certain business risks. 

act Řanda Havel Legal in particular:

  • Establishes trust funds and securing earmarking of founders’ property in favour of trust funds;

  • Secures regulation of marital property relations (especially limitation or widening of joint marital property and prenuptial agreements);

  • Resolves all matters associated with our client’s dwellings (purchase and sale of real estate, including escrow of purchase amount, establishing rights of  construction, questions of residential co-ownership, residential cooperatives and rented dwellings including disputes on increases in rent);

  • Works with clients in regards to preparing wills and providing consultancy in regard to all aspects of  inheritance law;

  • Assists clients during collection of receivables from unfulfilled contracts, including recovering compensation for damages or other injury or unjustified enrichment.

Trust Funds and Clients’ Personal Affairs